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26 november 2013


Whovians have infiltrated Netflix

So today I discovered that the Netflix customer support have been infiltrated by Whovians. I mean, I allready knew that they're everywhere and I'm kind of one of them. But anyway. 
After this weekends 50th anniversary of Doctor Who I decided to watch some older episodes on Netflix (Norway). 

But... big but, BIG BUTT! 

Four episodes are missing. Four very important episodes. The last four episodes with David Tennant. So what a girl to do? 

Well, I was annoyed, and because it is my right as a human being, I was going to project this annoyness on someone at customer service. But that was easier said, or thought, than done.

I just wanted to know if they could fix the problems with the episodes, and it ended with me typing Geronimo and now writing this blog post. 

So if there are anyone other than me, in Norway or other countries, that are missing Tennat's last four episodes on Netflix, please let them know. Like I always say, the more the scarier!

This is the conversation in full:

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