Vår film, Generasjon Y, som skickades med Anne Marte Smebye i spetsen (regissör!) till Amandusfestivalen vann idag i sin kategori!
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Installation i receptionen på Westerdals. |
What’s so bad about lap dancing and strip clubs?Lap dancing and strip clubs encourage their customers, and wider society, to see women as sex objects. They reinforce the idea that women are always sexually available, as long as you’ve got a bit of cash to spare.
The bigger pictures is that we live in a society where men still dominate positions of power and where violence against women is endemic, with 1 in 4 women facing rape in her lifetime and 1 in 2 women facing sexual harassment, stalking or domestic violence. Those working with female victims of male violence believe that the mainstreaming of the sex industries legitimises the attitudes that ultimately lead to violence against women.